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"Refresher course" in fall & winter pond maintenance

How many times do pond owners need to hear about fall and winter maintenance? Just about every fall and winter. Deb Spencer, co-owner of Waters Edge in Lawrence, spoke at the October TAWGS meeting about things we need to do to get our ponds ready for the cool months ahead.

These tasks include:

• Not fertilizing our plants after August
• Trimming plants back and dividing plants
• Vacuum bottom muck or use fine fish net
• Testing KH of pond water (should be 140-220 ppm)
• Check fish for signs of disease
• Switch to high carbo/low protein foods
• Stop feeding at 45 - 50 degrees
• Add/adjust salt to 0.1 ppm (this should not have to be done in a planted pond)
• Clean pond or do water changes
• Bring in vertical tropicals before first frost
• Net for leaves (1/2" to 3/8" mesh recommended)
• Best cleaning time is after leaf fall
• Shut down/clean bio filters
• Turn off waterfalls, streams and fountains
• Install bubblers/de-icers. If bubblers are installed the top of the bubbler should be about 2 inches below the surface.
Two major points that Deb stressed were: stop feeding fish when water temperature reaches 50 degrees and dirty ponds cause fish death and water quality problems.

A new concept in winter pond aeration is a submersible air pump that can be used in place of water heaters and bubblers. The pump - similar to those used in aquariums - uses only 5 watts of electricity and will keep a hole in the ice throughout the winter when the discharge is placed no more than three feet below the water surface. Deb tested the unit last winter and was very pleased with the result. Water's Edge will have them in stock in early November.